On a personal note, We find the President's speeches very good but crafted from the same, simple formula. And we are getting a little tired of it. So much of the great rhetoric is gone. It now feels like a market tested, grade school level campaign speech not a major adress on the economy. Either he is tired or too much of a politician.
At some point during his speechs, Obama does dip into great speech making. Here is my favorite quote (context: Obama is discussing do nothing to improve the economy as some Republicans propose):
"Social tensions will rise, as various groups fight to hold on to what they have, or start blaming somebody else for why their position isn’t improving. And the fundamental optimism that’s always propelled us forward will give way to cynicism or nostalgia. And that’s not the vision I have for this country. It’s not the vision you have for this country. That’s not the America we know. That’s not the vision we should be settling for. That’s not a vision we should be passing on to our children. "
Of course he has said this many times before.
Anyway most of Obama's speechs are very similar to the following:
1) (5 Minutes). Go local: thank those who have invited you. Tell one local joke. Recognize several local people in the crowd who are popular.
2) Start upbeat by discussing great things the US or locals have done in the past.
3) (5 Minutes). Create general unease. Begin to paint the picture of what is wrong and what needs to change in general.
4) (2 Minutes). Let them of the hook: Tell people it's not your fault or their fault. Blame current problems on past decisions: wall street, big banks, prior presidents, congress or foreign competition. Discuss something good done recently.
5) (2-5 Minutes). Change the tone to serious with a "But..." or a "We have more work to do..." or "We can do better.."
6) (10-15 Minutes). Create specific unease: Introduce main theme and specific examples the audience can relate to
8) (10 Minutes). Introduce proposal to fix the problems. Include one specific proposal in each area.
9) (10 Minutes). Circle back with specific benefits if programs go forward and specific evils if they don't.
8) (5 Minutes). The close: Call for support and consensus. Paint larger picture of good vs. evil.
9) (5 Minutes). Close with a historic reference (preferably local) renforcing the correctness of the idea and the need for consensus.
10) Thank you, and God bless the United States of America
Send speech to Valerie Jarett and Michelle Obama for vetting.