Tuesday, March 20, 2018

New York Times Upshot finds racism limits Black boys opportunity. Read the story.

Black boys from similar backgrounds earn less then White boys as they grow into adults. Note the words: Similar Backgrounds !!!

Hats off to Raj Chetty, Nathaniel Hendren, Maggie R. Jones, and Sonya R. Porter for a really sharp analysis on a couple different levels.

1) They compared the opportunity for White/Black boys and girls showing the gaps are related to being a Black male.

2) Black women show no opportunity gap with White women, so the difference is not caused by single parent homes, education or ability. Sadly, you can also conclude that gender discrimination is equal across races.

3) The inequality gap persist as boys grow into men even when both groups grow up in households that have similar income, wealth, education, and family structure.

4) "If family cannot explain the difference, then what matters may lie outside the home: Neighborhood, the economy and society."

The real world is worse

The study looks at end points for people with similar starting points; but in real life Whites have an overwhelming wealth and income advantage, making real outcomes even worse.

Side notes: Black men may do poorly in the service economy which requires face-to-face contact. Also second generation Asian Americans are less mobile than new Asian immigrants.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I find it interesting that "Large income gaps persist between men — but not women"...and later the researchers admit, "that there is something unique about the obstacles black males face".

What do you think those obstacles are and how can we overcome them?

From personal experience, I believe the obstacles center around relationships - the ability to relate to others, the ability to create strong bonds and the ability to collaborate effectively on the way to achieving success.

I see black women being able to do this more often than I see black men being able to do this. What have you experienced?

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